This is a picture of a textile factory during the industrial revolution. As you can see the safety regulations are minimal if theres any at all. There are open pulleys and multiple places where the workers fingers could get caught in and possibly ripped off. There are small children working and many women and men.
Here is another picture of children working in a textile factory during the industrial revolution. You can see all of the open things of thread. One kid has no shoes on so if something were to fall, his toes could be smashed or even cut off. This is not a safe working environment. They also have to stand up the whole time which is not comfortable to be doing all day.
Here is a picture of the Guillotine, a killing device they used during the French Revolution. It was rarely cleaned. It worked by pulling a string, when they pulled the string the blade would come down and cut your head off and it would fall into a basket, which was also full of heads which was a great thing to look at right before you die. The reason they made the guillotine was to kill of course but it killed them quickly and painlessly, so we think.
These three pictures all show the living in either the French Revolution times or the Industrial Revolution times was not all that fun. You either got your head chopped off into a bucket or you had to work in a textile factory. The big picture is that we live in a much better time then they did back then. There is no more beheading and no more unsafe work environments, we now have laws about this kind of stuff.