Thursday, February 14, 2008

Exam POST # 2 wounded knee essay

A. Wounded Knee illustrates one of the final events in a long series of violent conflicts motivated by racism, disrespect, and lack of understanding.
B. it's a Youtube video of the monument pictures
C. Youtube video, documentary
D. It's a essay on class blog, massacre not battle
E. so we can understand how the emotions of the 7th Cav led to the massacre of Wounded Knee.

A. Wounded Knee was an event that took place because of the racism, disrespect, and lack of understanding.
B. Shooting them after they gave up their guns was disrespectful
C. Some of 7th Cav got drunk, put guns to indians heads, pulled trigger laughed
D. Phillip wells was an interpteter and got drunk so he couldn't translate english between the sioux and the U.S.
E. Alcohol and hard feelings can lead to big violence.

A. Because of the lack hatrid for the Sioux the 7th Cav killed many indians at the masacre of Wounded Knee.
B. Drinking is bad
C. Bad things happen when drunk
D. fooling around can lead to bad things
E. Doing things you shouldn't even if your just fooling around can lead to very bad things.

Wounded Knee illustrates one of the final events in a long series of violent conflicts motivated by racism, disrespect, and lack of understanding. The first source is a Youtube video of the monument pictures. The second source is a Youtube video, documentary. The third source is an essay on class blog, showing it was a massacre not battle. It is important to know this so we can understand how the emotions of the 7th Cav led to the massacre of Wounded Knee.
Wounded Knee was an event that took place because of the racism, disrespect, and lack of understanding. Shooting them after they gave up their guns was disrespectful. Some of 7th Cav got drunk, put guns to indians heads, pulled trigger and would then laugh. Phillip Wells was an interpteter, he got drunk so he couldn't translate english between the sioux and the U.S. and he was mad that they had killed his father. You need to know that alcohol and hard feelings can lead to big violence.
Because of the lack hatrid for the Sioux the 7th Cav killed many indians at the masacre of Wounded Knee. Drinking is bad when you get out of control and that might of been what happend here. Bad things happen when drunk, you get stupid and do stupid things like put your gun to an indians head and pull the trigger and laugh that is not a good thing to do. Sometimes fooling around can lead to bad things, even if you don't intend for them to sometimes it just happens. Doing things you shouldn't even if your just fooling around can lead to very bad things.

Exam POST # 1 quotes

They are gentle, loving, faithful, lacking in all guile and trickery. The words denoting lying, deceit, greed, envy, slander, and forgiveness have never been heard. They have no jealousy, no sense of possession.--John Smith (character)

Sharing, no sense of pessession

We shall make a new start. A fresh beginning. Here the blessings of the earth are bestowed upon all. None need grow poor. Here there is good ground for all, and no cost but one's labor. We shall build a true common wealth, hard work and self reliance our virtues. We shall have no landlords to rack us with high rents or extort the fruit of our labor. --John Smith (character)